Straw Savior

Most people assume bottled mineral water drinking straws as something normal. In fact, many events or happenings of emergency can be resolved by a straw role. Ever there was one interesting event, where there is a child who have difficulty swallowing food was hampered in her throat, so that it becomes difficult to breathe. At that time, the child is looked pale from lack of oxygen. When everyone wondering how to order the child can drink intake to launch these foods without choked, saw the former straw tucked in a cup of beverage packaging. Without another thought, a young man who was helping him, take a straw and put it into the glass, and menjulurkannya into the child’s mouth. Slowly and gradually, drinking water is sucked, and the child looks is able to swallow food. A few minutes after being released from foods that clog his throat, the child gradually seen his face flushed. Yes, fortunately there straws, although the former. Simple, but it really means a lot when the way or a better alternative is not available. Hope can be a good and useful teaching, which is a straw that is trivial, but it can save the life of a child. That’s another story about a straw.

Roadside HaircutĀ 

          Some people consider that a haircut and maintain the appearance of the face remains fresh not is of lesser importance. Meanwhile, not a few people who argue that the appearance, primarily the face is something that must be maintained. In the world of work and business professionals, inevitably people still expected to keep up appearances, of course, the main thing is the ability or performance. Although, often several professions which would require excellent personality. Demands that, then cut the hair and facial care becomes an important requirement. From this, it is currently so many emerging business ventures or haircut and facial treatments to clinics with specialists, have sprung up like mushrooms in the rainy season. 

Hair Cut efforts

         Maybe people see this business looks lightly at first. I happened to meet with an entrepreneur roadside haircut. He has a business haircut in 5th place, with 5 barber. Due to the work of the employees are good, then the average service users was approximately 20 to 25 customers come to every place of business. He set a price for his services was Rp. 7000, _. Thus, almost every day he obtained gross proceeds of Rp. 700,000.00, and a one-month (25 working days) reached 17,500,000.00. He said that net income every month approximately Rp.8,000,000.00. Of course, this new hair cut services only. While there are some customers who use the services of shaving mustaches and sideburns, which would increase income.

Side Impact

In operational environments roadside haircut recently, most customers later got to know one another. Within this community, they usually also sell goods to each other. Starting from a hobby (bird, dog, agate, and so on), until the sales of motorcycles, cars, and even land and houses. Very interesting indeed, because this community is not only followed by a class of age, but from teenagers to the elderly. Its important point here is that of a simple haircut efforts, its economic impact is significant.

Value for customers

Back to how people must keep up appearances with a haircut, then customers also receive other benefits, namely members of the community, which would be an opportunity to get other economic benefits. But, of course, again the willingness of the people themselves. This article is just an observation, which may not be detailed. But what matters more is that the opportunities for economic empowerment, in fact many businesses are built by the roadside, and the circulation of money or turnover which is not small. In addition, hopefully this article can provide inspiration for other types of business, or as an effort to develop models of modern business. “No business can succeed without a try and possibly fail”